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peter huebner • micro music laboratories
M E D I C A L   R E S O N A N C E   T H E R A P Y   M U S I C®
R E D U C T I O N   O F   P S Y C H O – P H Y S I O L O G I C A L   MA N I F E S T A T I O N S   O F   S T R E S S


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Basic Law of the Academy

The Cosmic
Education Programm

Introduction to the University of the Future

Peter Hübner
Developer of the University


Faculty of

Leading Thoughts

Logical Path - Theory

Logical Path -Practice


Theoretical Fundamentals

Medical Music
Preparations on CD

Scientific Research

Research Fields in Detail

Vital Energy

Healing-Inducing Effects

Faster Recovery – Miscarriage

Faster Recovery –

Faster Reduction of
Blood Pressure

Faster Breakdown of the Protein Content

Faster Insulin Process Stabilisation

Normalisation of the Menstruation Cycle

Dissolution of Clinical
Risk Parameters

Reduction of
Anodyne Drugs

Prolonged Effect of
Anodyne Drugs

Reduction of Medication

Reduction of Pain

Abstinence from Tranquilizers

Pain Treatment

Increased Strength – Uterine Contractions

Improved Immune Status

Stimulation of too
low Hormone Levels

Slowing Heart Rate

Release of Stress

Reduction of Headaches

Stimulation of Imagination

Reducing Dizziness

Reducing Dizziness

Improved Auditory Memory

Psychomotoric Speed

Improved Visual-Motoric

Reaction Precision

Improved Visual
Short-Term Memory

Improved Concentration

Improved Learning Ability



Astronomy of Mind EQ x IQ

Hall of Harmony

International Experts

Educational Program

Scientific Research

International Media

International Congresses


Application to the University



Healing-Inducing Effects in Blood Formation
after Gynecological Surgery
Under investigation were 28 women who re­ceived a fibromyom surgery on the uterus.

Medical Resonance Therapy Music® Group

14 women were treated with Medical Reso­nance Therapy Music® 2-3 times before sur­gery and for twelve days after surgery, 1-2 times per day, each time for 30-60 minutes in addition to a conventional treatment with an­ti­bi­ot­ics, vitamin preparations, anodynes and a disintoxication therapy as well as a physio­ther­apy. In difference to the control group these women did not receive sedative drugs before and after surgery. At the end of the treatment only 26% of the women indicated anemia, compared to 39% in the control group. This indicates healing inducing effects of the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® in blood formation.

Control Group

In this group 14 women received the con­ven­tional treatment only, not listening to Medical Resonance Therapy Music®. Before surgery they received sedative drugs and after sur­gery they received the conventional treat­ment. In difference to the experimental group the women here were treated also with seda­tive drugs after surgery in order to treat their sleep disorders.

At the end of the treatment still 39% of the women had a postoperative anemia – the healing inducing effect of the conventional treatment without MRT-Music® was clearly less.



Prof. Dr. med. G. Gerassimowitsch
Prof. Dr. med. Walentina Sidorenko
Dr. med. Swetlana Scheleg