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Harmonic Therapy of Digital Pharmaceutics
Question: What results have your studies produced?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: We were able to observe that several parameters of the vegetative nervous system underwent change under the influence of Huebner’s Medical Resonance Therapy Music®. For example, the hormone beta-endorphin, the body’s own morphine, comes close to normal status as a result of the music treatment. Thus, this music has a harmonizing effect.

Headaches, for instance, got better, sleep became deeper and the patients simply felt better as a result of this therapy with the music. In other patients, there were improvements in problems like forgetfulness, lack of orientation, nervousness and lack of concentration.

Question: Did listening to Mozart also have this effect?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: Listening to Mozart led to the activation of bodily functions, and this runs contrary to the process of relaxation.

When Peter Hübner’s Medical Resonance Therapy Music® was used, we also saw an activation of the opioid system, which explains the reduction in pain and the improve­ment in sleep experienced by many patients. Opioids are substances in our body that one might call the body’s own opium.

This also explains why many patients of both sex felt very much better whilst listening to and also after hearing the music.

Question: Could this also be the physiological explanation for the fact that some listeners feel extremely happy when listening to Medical Resonance Therapy Music?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: Yes, that could be one of the reasons.

Question: Is the success of the music dependent on the musical knowledge and training of the listener?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: No, success was evident, completely independent of the patients’ musical and general education.

Question: You are now working with a team of 10 researchers on different studies with the music. Which result has had the greatest impression on you so far?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: Actually, all of the results with Medical Resonance Therapy Music® are impressive, but there was one result which was so clear, it really surprised us. We examined mothers who were listening to the music during labor and saw that the child in the womb relaxes to such an extent that it seems to sleep. This surprised us all.

This is a very positive effect, as this harmonization of the mother and child, brought about by listening to the music, is not only relieving for the mother but also serves to counteract the trauma of birth for the child. And today it is precisely such trauma which is held responsible for many subsequent disorders the child may suffer. What also impressed us is the fact that the mother’s energy during birth is clearly increased by the music, on average by 75%, and this serves to counteract any dangerous weakening of the mother during the birth.

Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Reznikov
in conversation with professors and students following his lecture at the medical faculty of the University of Heidelberg
We know that these effects occur, but we still do not know precisely what it is that specifically happens, and this is what we want to find out with our continuing research.

Question: What is it about the music that works in the way you describe? The sounds, the harmonies or the rhythm?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: The most important thing about Medical Resonance Therapy Music® that influences the human organism is probably its entirely natural structure, based strictly on the natural laws of harmony of the microcosm of music – which indeed, according to old medical systems, also govern biological life.

Question: Surveys conducted among more than ten thousand listeners of the music in Berlin and Frankfurt revealed that approx. 90% said they like the music very much. However, some said they were not able to relate to the music and, in fact, a few said they could not bear the calmness, the order and the harmony of the music.
So did some of your patients have difficulties with the music?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: A few patients initially experienced a slight worsening of their headaches, and therefore did not want to listen to the music. We were, however, able to persuade them to listen to the music nevertheless – for if the physiology is in disorder, it is quite likely that the regulatory processes which begin could well be found unpleasant.

By the fourth day, at the latest, these people actually requested the music themselves, because in the meantime, they had felt its beneficial regulating effects, and instead of worsening, their headaches had significantly improved. If a listener finds natural harmony unpleasant, it suggests that his organism is working disharmonically, and then it really is time to recreate a natural order, and it is just such a person for whom Medical Resonance Therapy Music® can then be of great benefit.

Question: So what positive effects does this music have on healthy people, and is it suitable for all people?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: Yes, according to current results of scientific studies this music is, without a doubt, suitable for everyone. One can perhaps sum up by saying that the strong point of this Medical Resonance Therapy Music® for the healthy person lies in the fact that it effectively counters stress factors present in the body.
And nowadays this is certainly a very useful thing. Both my family and I myself therefore use it. Many people suffer from poor sleep or have headaches, lack concentration or have many other general complaints as a result of being under stress. Here Medical Resonance Therapy Music® can really do a good job: one can deeply relax with it at home and effectively distance oneself from the stresses of every-day-life.

Question: How should one go about doing that? Whilst lying down, sitting comfortably in an armchair or whilst doing some light housework?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: One should listen to the music whilst relaxed and either sitting down or lying. It is hardly possible to do anything else at the same time. It is very pleasant to listen to it in the evening in bed before going to sleep, but also – if your colleagues do not object – during the day at work, for example. Best would be to relax to the music three times a day for 30 minutes.

Question: That is quite a lot. Would a shorter time suffice?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: As I already said, three time a day is best; but listening just once a day in the evening is often enough. It is definitely good to listen to Medical Resonance Therapy Music® after the stress of the day, in order to re-harmonize the disrupted vital functions. Those around you and your own body will be very grateful.

And: one should perhaps not necessarily expect conventional artistic pleasure, as this unusual music pursues, in a musical sense, new paths. The composer has not conceived it as a conventional work of art, but as a scientifically based resonance medium for the health-promoting energies of nature.

Question: In the same way, perhaps, that: he who drinks spa water should not expect wine or whisky or vodka?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: Yes, for some tastes perhaps in this direction. But one should not forget that renowned musical experts acknowledge this as music of the highest musical standard and enjoy it as a new musical experience.

Question: Are your studies continuing?

Prof. Dr. med. Reznikov: Yes, certainly, the results to date have inspired us to deepen our knowledge in the different fields. It is also a case of making renewed use of an ancient natural branch of medicine in our present time and putting it in the service of our health. This is a challenging task.


Medical Music Preparations on CD
RRR 934 Pregnancy and Birth
Pregnancy and Birth


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